do you need materials that are already to carved ?
explored examples of badges , keychain ,animal labels ,decorative plaques , room numbers , electrical labels ,industrial sign , indetification mark and safety sign
for indoors or outdoors use
rotari or laser endgraving.
gravoply is a versatile materials and is the main choice , gravoply is ideal to be material of choice ..
especially as a marking industrial worlds ,electrical panell as example ,nameplate ,and calligraphy effectiveness ,productivity and precision .
durability is a distinctive features of this material.
by having a lenght of 120 cm ,width 60 cm ,thickness 1.5 mm
we provide 2 types of material specifications from the gravoply for each endgraving machine,namely router machines and laser machines
cheap gravoply / engraping plate /gravoply can be an alternative material for calligraphy art